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Powering a serverless WebPowering a serverless Web

Powering a serverless Web

Vercel helps users take advantage of best-in-class AWS infrastructure with zero configuration. In just a few clicks, anyone with an AWS account can onboard and begin building on Vercel.

Discuss AWS + Vercel

Fast iteration

From automatic site previews to testing and deployment, Vercel unifies a disjointed process into a single collaborative platform.

Secure and streamlined

Protect your applications at every step with access management, observability, and the Vercel Firewall—approved and endorsed by AWS.

Framework-defined infrastructure

We're implementing framework-defined infrastructure for more predictable, lower cost, and lower risk DevOps through truly serverless architecture.

Accelerating innovation with Vercel + AWS

AWS and Vercel have always had a shared vision: accelerating innovation with the power of serverless computing—and helping customers win big in the process.

Speed up and save time on projects of any size

With Next.js as the helm of our headless tech stack, our developers can create features with velocity and speed, ultimately enabling users to create whatever, whenever they want to.

Tatiana Mac

Senior Software Engineer, Loom

All of our results pages were developed and deployed on Vercel, and it was the smoothest election night anyone could remember.

Jeremy Bowers

Director of Newsroom Engineering, The Washington Post



The development platform for the best frontend teams