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Zero configuration, more innovation

From development to production, Vercel’s built in CI/CD makes it easy to automate your workflows for streamlined collaboration.

  • Deploy seamlessly

    Zero configuration CI/CD with first-class integrations for GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

  • Test automatically

    Run automated tests for performance and reliability on every push.

  • Iterate collaboratively

    Share your work like it’s already in production. Test changes without leaving the browser.

Intelligent CI/CD

Deep Git integrations allow for a built-in CI/CD process that isn't just automated, it's optimized with every push.

  • Every commit to a branch deploys to a unique, immutable URL.
  • Pull and merge requests receive a shareable branch URL that is always up-to-date with the latest commit.
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Illustration of deployment on every push with first party GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket integrations.
Illustration of deployment on every push with first party GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket integrations.

Centralized feedback for faster iterations

Review with fewer fumbled threads by commenting directly on components, layouts, and copy in real time, without creating tickets or leaving the browser. High-performance teams iterate faster.

An example of people collaborating on a Preview Deployment with comments.
An example of people collaborating on a Preview Deployment with comments.

Commit with confidence

Know your Core Web Vitals are healthy before you merge to production. Run automated tests for performance and reliability on every pull request with Vercel Checks.

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An image of Vercel Checks running successfully against a Preview Deployment.
An image of Vercel Checks running successfully against a Preview Deployment.

Trusted by the best frontend teams

We can test what sites will look like in production and solicit feedback through comments every step of the way. We know at a specific moment in time what our UI looked like, and when you're debugging, having a link from a month or two weeks ago is such a valuable tool.

Avatar of Tatiana Mac
Tatiana MacEngineer at Loom
Logo of Loom, company

Doing reviews in Previews makes the feedback more consistent and closer to the actual deliverable, so our work ships faster.

Avatar of Yuhan Luo
Yuhan LuoEngineer at